Cruise 101: Zábava v Sea Royal Caribbean Uncategorized What To See & do with 24 hours In new York City

What To See & do with 24 hours In new York City

We just recently headed to the huge Apple with huge really hopes of seeing it all. When we were researching the sights around the city, we had a difficult time visualizing distances as well as weren’t sure what we’d achieve in our short see to the city before heading upstate.

Of course, a weekend in new York would be better, just like only 24 hours, you’ll barely have time to scrape the surface. So, what precisely can you see in 24 hours in new York City? It turns out, rather a bit.

In this article, I’m going to listing whatever that we handled to take in on our recent trip to new York City as well as ideally it will provide you an concept of what you’ll be able to cover in a day. One thing to make sure of is that you’re using a great pair of shoes when checking out NYC!

Note: This entire itinerary is based in Manhattan as well as while I’m conscious that new York has many wonderful boroughs to explore, we stuck to Manhattan for the benefit of seeing as many sights in the shortest amount of time. To maximize our time in the city, as well as to show up in style, we took a Blacklane cars and truck to get us from the flight terminal to Manhattan, however you might likewise take the Air Train from JFK. 

What to see as well as do with 24 hours in new York City.

Where To Stay: lower Manhattan
What to See around the monetary District:
What To See around central Manhattan:
Have Some additional Time?
Čas vypršal!

Where To Stay: lower Manhattan

I suggest staying at a hotel in Lower Manhattan as well as branching out from there to see all of the sites around the area. We stayed at the W new York – downtown as well as discovered its central place to be the perfect base for our explorations around the city. The personnel were young as well as the hotel was extremely trendy — make sure to inspect out their onsite lounge with online music!

If you’re on a tight budget, there are some hostels in Manhattan, however even they are expensive. You might stay in a cheaper borough (like Queens), however then you’ll spend more time & money on transport. one more excellent choice is to inspect out Airbnb for some cheaper spaces for your 1 day in new York. 

What to See around the monetary District:

*Note: You’re going to want to eat at some point during your whirlwind trip to new York City. inspect out this publish which listings the very best locations to eat in NYC, according to a local.

Battery Park: This beautiful, 27-acre park is found at the southern tip of Manhattan as well as it is the perfect location to begin the day. walk along the sea wall as well as take in the next sight.

The Statue Of Liberty: You can see a side profile of the famous statue from Battery Park as well as there are numerous ferries to take you closer. If you hop on the boat that sees Ellis Island as well as liberty Island, it will take up an hour as well as a half of your day (even without even getting off), so for the benefit of time, snap a picture as well as get moving.

Broadway: From Battery Park, take this famous road to the next sights.

The Charging Bull: In the name of monetary prosperity as well as luck, fight with the crowds of tourists to rub the lucky bronze spheres below this 3.2-ton famous statue.

Trinity Church: Just a bit further down Broadway you’ll see Trinity Church on your left. If you’re quick, you may even have time to head inside for a peak.

Wall Street: wall street has a interesting collection of Gilded Age architecture. right here you can take in a few major sites within minutes — The Trump Building, federal Hall, 14 wall street (Bankers trust Building), as well as the new York stock exchange (among others).

The Brooklyn Bridge: There’s a lovely pathway that runs along to the east River on FDR Drive. Take this as well as you’ll have lovely views of the Brooklyn Bridge, plus you can shop for some touristy new York trinkets from vendors here.

Chinatown: From the Brooklyn Bridge take St. James as well as Bowery streets into Chinatown. source out a prominent Chinese restaurant as well as enjoy some soup dumplings. I suggest Joe’s Shanghai for authentic soup dumplings. 

Canal Street: This 2.5 km east-west street is your best option for discovering affordable knock-off sun glasses as well as low-cost tourist garb. Don’t spend as well much time shopping, there’s great deals more to see with your day in new York.

Little Italy: Hopefully you brought your appetite. bit Italy has a few of the very best restaurants in all of new York. You’ll have a bit of time to check out the area before popping in for a bite.Soho: Pomenovaný pre svoje miesto (južne od Houstonu), ako aj jeho podobnosti s londýnskym Soho, je to vynikajúca oblasť, ktorá sa má trochu potulovať. V úzkych, dláždených uličkách dláždeného dláždenia je veľká príťažlivosť.

Tribeca: Ďalšie meno založené na skratkach („Triangle pod Canal St.“), Tribeca je vynikajúcou polohou pre fanúšikov neo-renesančnej architektúry. Medzi niektoré miesta, ktoré treba vidieť, patrí budova Powell, rad bielych neo-reheanissančných budov na ulici Worth Street, ako aj telefónne podnikanie v New Yorku (140 West St.).

Pamätník Freedom Tower & World Trade Memorial: Ukončite deň voľna prechádzkou s krásnym a hlboko evokujúcim svetovým obchodným pamätníkom, pričom sa pozerá rovnako ako najvyššia budova na západnej pologuli, vežu flexibility.

… Spi!

Čo vidieť okolo centrálneho Manhattanu:

Po veľkom spánku naskočte do vlaku na stanici Wall St. smerujúca do mesta R-line (2,50 dolárov-okolo 20 minút) na 14. stanicu St. (Union Square) a pripravte pamiatok v New Yorku.

Union Square: Niekedy sú tu udalosti, ako aj poľnohospodárske trhy. Určite to skontrolujte.

5. Ave: Ďalšia z najznámejších ciest v New Yorku, 5. Ave. má nejaký krásny dizajn zakorenený v pozlátenom veku, ako napríklad Empire Špecifikovaná budova, Rockefeller Center, Katedrála sv. , Flatiron Building atď. Plus, mnoho ďalších nákupov pre tých, ktorí nie sú v prísnom rozpočte!

Central Park: Nasledujte piatu Avenue na sever, až kým nezasiahnete Central Park na ľavej strane. Nebudete mať čas vidieť veľa z tohto zeleného priestoru 3,41 km2, ale budete môcť vidieť všetku metódu pre fontánu. Keď sa dostanete do fontány, prejdite sa späť na západnú stranu parku a výstup na Central Park West.

Columbus Circle: Toto je krásny kruhový objazd, ktorý urobíte pár obrázkov pred tým, ako vstúpite do vlaku na stanici Columbus Circle. Vezmite vlak A-C-E Downtown a vystúpte na 59. stanici St.

Trh a susedstvo Chelsea: Vystúpte z vlaku na 14. sv. St., ako aj na Fantastický trh Chelsea, ktorý je otvorený od pondelka do piatka (od 7:00 do 21:00), ako aj v nedeľu (8:00 – 21:00).

The High Line: Moja osobná obľúbená časť New Yorku, High Train je opustená železničná dráha, ktorá sa stala cestou pre chodcov, ako aj záhradu. Lavičky, kvety, amfiteáti, tráva, ako aj lístie sú jedným z najkrajších a očarujúcich prechádzok mesta. Práve tu je veľa možností večere, ako aj nejaké občerstvenie stojí na samotnej vysokej línii. Vystúpte z 30. sv.

Madison Square Garden: Odbočte doľava 7. Ave z 30. sv. Takmer okamžite uvidíte jedno z najslávnejších miest na svete, Madison Square Garden.

Times Square: Pokračujte na sever na 7. Ave, ako aj v podstate iba v súlade s jasnými svetlami, ako aj s turistami šťastnými fotoaparátmi, až kým nedosiahnete Times Square. Zoberte niekoľko obrázkov a tiež sa snažte mať záchvat medzi blikajúcimi obrazovkami LED TV, ktoré majú veľkosť futbalových ihrísk. Ak chcete objaviť grilovanie v ústach v New Yorku, zastavte sa v Virgil’s In Times Square.

Máte nejaký ďalší čas?

Prečo ísť na plachtenie? Zamyslite sa nad deň, ako sa plaví okolo vôd NYC. Skontrolujte podnikanie, ako je Sailo, ktoré ponúkajú mnoho významných prenájmov približne 2 – 4 hodiny vrátane plavby po západe slnka s výhľadom na Manhattan.

Once you’ve seen the city by foot as well as your legs are sore, you can relax on a sailboat as well as enjoy the view. They’ve likewise done lots of trips that are organized bachelorette parties, in addition to sightseeing trips around the bay.

All of their boats in nyc are rented with a licensed captain which is included in the price, so all you have to do is book a trip as well as then show up on the dock.

Čas vypršal!

By this point, your legs will be aching as well as your camera shutter finger will be twitching, however you’ll have seen a great deal of new York (well, only Manhattan actually).

Of course, you might go a whole different path as well as head into Brooklyn or inspect out the lovely Staten Island area, however that’s what is so excellent about new York City, you can check out it for months as well as still not see it all! a few of it will just have to wait up until next time.

One important thing to note is that you’ll want to make sure you have travel insurance coverage for a trip to new York (and the USA as a whole).Nielenže by ste mali mať poistné krytie kdekoľvek na svete, ale náklady na návštevu nemocnice v USA sú neuveriteľne drahé. Prejdite do svojich informácií nižšie a získajte bezplatnú ponuku od spoločnosti World Nomads, prominentného obchodu s poistným krytím pre cestujúcich.

Čo nám chýbalo? Ak si myslíte, že je možné vidieť viac z New Yorku za 24 hodín, podeľte sa s nami v komentároch nižšie. Ak si myslíte, že by to nebolo možné vidieť všetko za 24 hodín, povedzte nám, že sme blázni!

Neverte, že je to možné? Skontrolujte naše zábavné, rýchle video z našich 24 hodín v New Yorku!

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